March 17, 2010


1. locked myself in the bathroom for three hours yesterday. it sucked. can someone come fix my door knob please?

2. reading lulu meets god and doubts him by danielle ganek

3. dating. I SAID IT.

4. planning the most fabulous mimosa bender for my 24th birthday on sunday. think: boom box, mimosas, hula hoops, snuggin', cupcakes, sun, the river, and friends.

5. getting excited to see the xx on monday! and eat birthday supper at chelseas before.

6. spending so much time on porch with my lovely friends. this weather rules yall

7. excited that my mama and my dad are coming to visit me on saturday.

8. being so happy that it's st patricks day because I AM SO IRISH YALL

1 comment:

Frank said...

I warned you about that door knob, but no... you would'nt listen to me.