April 23, 2009


1. "My rule of thumb is to never buy wine with an animal on the bottle."
2. I got a gift of worry dolls in the mail today from a friend. The myth is that you tell the doll your worry before bed, place the doll under your pillow, and at night the doll will take away the worry. He sent me five...just in case.
3. Gossip Girl was good.
4. I got a new internship. I am so thrilled....can't stop smiling.
5. Watched one of my oldest and dearest friends learn how to drive the scooter she just bought. She also told us a random bird story that made me laugh until I cried.
6. Exhibition presentation went well! I am thinking that someday I will be planning one for real.
Today ruled.

1 comment:

marcidiane said...

GOSSIP GIRL WAS SO GOOD! Congratulations on your internship. I want to hear about it!