July 08, 2009

Ten Thoughts on Whole Living

I was just sorting through old magazines and I found this from body+soul magazine's March 2008 issue. I liked it.

Rather than muscle through your day,
 take a moment to breathe.

Personal growth is a winding path. Expect to revisit the same
issues --- and the same mistakes.

Empower your decisions and
 your self esteem by learning to say no.

Tune in to your sense of smell. It connects you to your emotions and your health.

Surrender isn't about giving up.
It's about letting go.

Listen to your body; it knows what it needs most.

Balance self-improvement with self-acceptance.

Invest in your work space. Inspiration and fresh ideas bloom in a positive atmosphere.

Use your vacation as an opportunity to engage your creative side.

Anger is a voice of the soul.
Express it, explore it, let it be heard. 

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