June 02, 2008


NY is great! My roommates are all really nice! And incredibly normal! They all go to Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. One of the girls is even on the squash team and I think that is the best thing EVER. Anyway, Emily and I went and had drinks at Cafeteria last night and that is my most favorite spot. I wish that I could go every single day. I also went and saw SEX AND THE CITY THE MOVIE today! Fabulous.
This is what I eat in NYC. Snap Pea Crisps. I made the long haul down 14th Street to save money, but Trader Joe's was so overwhelming that I think that I like Whole Foods better. I did buy three bottles of wine last night and I am down to my last one. HELLO, I HAD TO MAKE FRIENDS.
This is my dorm at NYU. It's really not that bad and I think that I might love it.
My feet hurt. First day of work at the gallery tomorrow!


Blair said...

aww...had a hit on my blog from NYC and I am pretty sure it is you. I know Hays, Amanda and the kiddos miss you.
Have so much fun there - have a glass of wine for me!
Going to see SATC tomorrow night and CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Frank said...

When can I come visit? I'm only two blocks away